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EN Fibre optic expansion in record time - 469 metres in 11 hours

Fibre optic expansion in record time - 469 metres in 11 hours

HDD record with the GRUNDODRILL 15 XP: What at first glance may not seem spectacular to the layman was a top performance for planners, contractors and machines. Despite difficult conditions, the basis for connecting around 1,000 households to the fibre optic network was created in Handewitt in northern Germany in just 11 hours. The route ran through open terrain and agricultural land and crossed under a four-lane motorway. The result: fast Internet access for the region - without affecting or damaging the transport infrastructure or agricultural land. 

After the drilling team completed the 430 m test drilling quickly and without any problems (42.6 m per hour), setting up the construction site and measuring and marking the route was quick and easy. The GRUNDODRILL 15XP was able to cross under the A7 north-south motorway as a "blind bore" with particular precision in the sections. As part of the fibre optic expansion, a pipe bundle was also laid to connect sub-networks directly to the main line (backbone) - all in record time. 


  • Municipality of Handewitt, Flensburg / Germany, 2020
  • Project: Pipe installation of 470 m under difficult conditions in just 11 hours
  • Application: New pipe installation
  • Process: HDD drilling method
  • In action: GRUNDODRILL 15XP