Gas distribution networks play an important role in a successful energy transition. In order to be able to transport and store fossil and increasingly renewable natural gas in sufficient quantities, high investments in the preservation and expansion of these pipeline networks are needed. With trenchless technology for gas pipeline construction, these can not only be reduced, but maintenance and expansion can also be implemented in an environmentally friendly and accelerated manner.
Maintaining and expanding the gas pipe infrastructure: The NODIG process can be used to install and renew gas pipes - safely, quickly and sustainably. For an intact infrastructure and a successful energy transition.
Safely and professionally, all types of gas pipes can be installed and even renewed with our NODIG technology, so that they are ready for use (again) quickly using the latest technology and in accordance with applicable regulations. Safe and reliable in use:
in pipelines for feeding the natural gas produced worldwide into national gas distribution networks, in gas pipeline construction with pressure lines for transport and distribution. Also for gas pipelines for the storage of synthetic gas from surplus green electricity and for gas connection pipelines to the end consumer.